Thursday, September 19, 2024

Cora - Allergy test

We finally got into an allergist to get some answers for Cora's allergy attacks she has. 

Her main allergies are:

  • cats!
  • mold - found in soil, plants, grass mold, a little pollen from certain trees
  • dust
  • some dogs (no we aren't getting rid of Boomer!)

It was a good appointment - she got the scratch test - of 32 allergens.  She cried, as it hurt she said... and instantly she was exploding from the cat allergen!!  It was crazy to see!

The doctor was great - and talked through everything with us.  We are going to try a different allergy medicine - Xyzal once a day, in addition Flonase Sensimist.  We are hopeful this will knock some of her attacks down until a good hard freeze (which probably won't be until November or so).  

I'm so glad we got this handled, and now we have some answers. 

First 30 seconds

After 15 minutes

Thursday, September 12, 2024

CESOD 2024-2025 season!

A new dance season has officially started!

Cora is excited for this year...  as a Pre-Teen this year.  

She'll be in 7 competition dances:

  • Solo (first time!)
  • Duet with Tenley
  • Production year
  • 2 small groups
  • 2 large groups

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Kayson Golf update

Golf continues to be the talk around here... and continues to be the rollercoaster! 

Man, what a sport.  I give props to K, as well as all those other kids fighting through a tough mental game. 

Kayson has played in a few meets so far.  Scores are pretty average, but I know he's learning. 

I keep praying for a solid, good score that he and coaches can be proud of. 

Labor Day Weekend

Full weekend!
The kids made it through a full week of school, and they were feeling it!  Tired kids!
Thursday - a sophomore mom hosted a bunch of other sophomore moms - just gathered and talked getting to know some other moms.  It was such a nice couple hours. 

Friday night we just stayed in, which was nice. 

Saturday - first Iowa football game!  Kayson, Ryan, Tate and Papa Mike headed over early.  They met up with Scott and Niky and a few others, and had a good time.  Britt gets to experience tailgating now, instead of dance team!  
Cora and I just hung out Saturday - it was a great day, we did a few errands, and then went to Webster's pool, and that was so fun.  It was a gorgeous day!

Sunday - we had a farm day in Diagonal.  Lots of family met at the farm, and we enjoyed another beautiful day!  So much fun at the farm. 

Monday - a quick trip to Clarion to celebrate Papa Paul's birthday.  Jill and Jeff hosted, and it was perfect...  great grilled food, fun on their gator and just visiting.  Really nice day. 

It was great having a long weekend, but Tuesday was a hard start!  ha.