Friday, August 23, 2024

Cora - 1st Day of 6th Grade

Cora is no longer in elementary school!

Open House for Middle School was Wednesday night...  we walked through her classes (up and down in the South Middle School), which I think is a little overwhelming.  We met each of her teachers, and I feel they will all be just perfect for her.  #crossingfingers!

Cora does have a locker - she can use it, she doesn't have to though.  We finally got the locker open (that was a real struggle), but we did it. She was getting frustrated, but she now knows how to open.  

First day - Friday, August 23.  Weird that it's a Friday, but also kind of good.  Get those expectations and nerves out of the way on one day, then recoop over the weekend!  

She's riding the bus as well, which she is less than thrilled about!  But that's just what we do... I'm not going out of my way to take her to school every day!  She'll survive! Bus #104, which is actually #61.

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