Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Allergy Shot

Well, I've been miserable for the last month or so...  probably back into mid July.  Having allergy attacks about daily, or at least in the evening (when the meds wear off). 

I finally gave in - went to doctor today and they gave me an allergy shot with Prednisone to calm things down and hopefully get me through the next month or so.  I'm going to call an allergist and see if I can get tested again, and see what kind of process we can work out.  

Cora is going to an allergist in September for hers too... so more to come on that!

Friday, August 23, 2024

Kayson - 1st Day of 10th Grade (HS bound)

Kayson's technically been a high schooler...  but now, he's REALLY a high schooler!  He's physically at the Waukee High School.  Again, crazy to think that. 

Wednesday, the HS hosted a "sophomore orientation" - Kayson said it was 'fine' of course...  I was told the student council did a guided tour of the building.  Kayson says he thinks he found his classes.  OH BOY.  I guess Friday he will find out!

First day - Friday, the 23rd.  It was weird knowing he was driving to a completely different spot...  I know he's fine, but I feel this one - I feel it hard.  I pray he has a good year... 

Cora - 1st Day of 6th Grade

Cora is no longer in elementary school!

Open House for Middle School was Wednesday night...  we walked through her classes (up and down in the South Middle School), which I think is a little overwhelming.  We met each of her teachers, and I feel they will all be just perfect for her.  #crossingfingers!

Cora does have a locker - she can use it, she doesn't have to though.  We finally got the locker open (that was a real struggle), but we did it. She was getting frustrated, but she now knows how to open.  

First day - Friday, August 23.  Weird that it's a Friday, but also kind of good.  Get those expectations and nerves out of the way on one day, then recoop over the weekend!  

She's riding the bus as well, which she is less than thrilled about!  But that's just what we do... I'm not going out of my way to take her to school every day!  She'll survive! Bus #104, which is actually #61.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Cora's 12th birthday!

Miss Cora is 12!  How in the world did that happen?  She's changed so much in the last couple years... and I can still remember her so small and fun!  She's still fun, but she's just changed so much!

This past weekend we had a little friend birthday party for her. And she requested a "Friend Photo Shoot"!!  Her inspo was her wearing white, and her friends wearing some shade of pink or orange... and the friends understood the assignment!  They were so cute, and fun!!!

Tenley, Quinn, Maggie, Cora, Kemi, Mara & Cora

Today, on her birthday, I'm home from work and we are just going to hang out.  I just want to soak up all the time with her.  

Monday, August 19, 2024

Cora - on the road to braces!

Cora saw the orthodontist last week (same one as Kayson)...  we were referred by the dentist to just get the conversation started. 

As of now, Cora has 5 baby teeth to lose - and they should come out in the next 6 months or so.  She has one 12 year old molar that is thru, but is coming in a little crocked - so they put in a spacer back there to help that adjust.  That is sore for Cora!! 

Dr. Conrad does not think she will need a spacer!  Super excited about that!

We go back in 6 months for another check up to see how far the baby teeth falling out has come!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

HS Golf

The past month or more has been a lot of golf for Kayson...  he's shown so much interest, an increase from last year.  He golfs with friends, he golfs alone, he goes to the range, etc.  He enjoys it.  

The past week or so Kayson has been prepping for the HS try outs.  As the dates got closer, the stress increased...  the emails and reminders, and most all the "33 trying out, but we only take 18" really hit hard and was a huge wake up call.  The emotions were high...  the rollercoaster of thoughts were just that - all of the place.  Some days he'd come home or say "no way I'm making the team", then the next day was "I'll make it!".  It's been crazy!!

As a Mom, it's been hard to see.  I understand how much he enjoys it, he has fun with it (which is shocking), but it also can be a super hard game!!  We've gotten him into golf lessons, and I truly think that has helped...  but again, some days are great, some days are bad.

Regardless, Monday and Tuesday came - weather was not that great...  anxiety was high... and he had a terrible round on Monday. So bad that he got in the car with tears in his eyes.  Talk about gut wrenching.  Tuesday was better...  still not great, but much better.  And at the end of that round, it was announced he made the team - barely.  He was #18.  

The number shouldn't matter...  but it is another wake up call.  He has some work to do, but in the end, I'm proud of him... proud of him trying, and keeping with it. 

More golf to come I'm sure!

The sophomores that tried out.  Not all made the team.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Babysitters class

Cora and Maggie took an American Red Cross babysitting class through the West Des Moines Park & Rec program.  I'm so glad I saw the class, and the girls were excited to do it!

It was an all day class... the girls came home and had all sorts of things to tell us, we were excited. 

Now - we need to get a couple times under Cora's belt to get comfortable!