Tuesday, July 30, 2024

This & That

Well, we are home from vacation, and back into everything!

Have to note: the Monday before we left for the Ozarks, Cora had a terrible allergy attack.  It took her down for a day and a half...  we headed out, and near the end of the vacation, she started coughing.  I knew it was from the allergy attack - the drainage.  And then soon - her ears were bothering her.  Double ear infection for that girl!  It's been awhile since one of those!  We've got to get her into an allergist...  she just becomes miserable and it lingers for too long!

Ok... next up - these past couple weeks have been busy!

Work is crazy for me - training a new analyst, and just a busy time!

Kayson has been working on more golf - we got him into GolfTec with some private lessons and some help there.  I think it's going ok...  K doesn't say much.  We are just hopeful that on the course, he's doing a better job and cutting down on some strokes.  Golf tryouts are in a couple weeks. 

Cora has been dance dance dance!  Choreography week was in full force when we got back from vacation.  She was at the studio nearly every day for multiple hours.  She learned a hip hop dance from Mr. Anthony, and a jazz dance from Mr. Blake.  Lots more to come, but the start of the season is here!

Jazz group (PreTeens) with Mr. Blake

Show Choir gathering!

Golfing with buddies - Evan, Graham & Tyler

always at the range or course

Monday, July 22, 2024

Taylor Family vacation - Lake of the Ozarks

Last week we took a little family vacation to the Lake of the Ozarks - with Mike & JeanAnn, and Blair's family. 

We headed out Wednesday morning, arriving late afternoon... getting all settled in, and the kids were right into the lake swimming!

We did all the things:

Boys went golfing at a near by golf course

Girls swam at a near by resort

More and more swimming in the lake at the house

Fishing - so much fishing!  All kids got into the fishing, which was fun. 

Rented a pontoon one day - about 5 hours on the lake tootling around.  

It was a good couple days - there Wednesday, and came home Sunday.  By Saturday night, everyone was a little crabby, perhaps, exhausted!  But we pushed through.  Thankful for Mike and JeanAnn for everything. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

4th of July weekend

We had such a great little 4th of July weekend... nothing earth shattering, enough relaxation, but also got to see some friends and family. 

Cora has been living her best life with Alivia!  They've been busy hitting up friends' pools and just enjoying the sun. 

Kayson has been enjoying golf.  He's went out a couple more times with Duke and then also a few other friends.  

We did just get him into GolfTec - it's kind of like a private lessons place. He had a swing evaluation, and now will have some private lessons over the next month or so.  I'm excited for him, and I hope to see some improvement for him!

The 4th was a quiet day for us...  which was fine.  We hung out at home... got a little bored, but it was nice too.  The fireworks were annoying for Boomer, so we just laid low.

We got to hang with Niky, Scott, Britt and Duke Friday night... they just came over, ate pizza and hung in the garage.  We had such a good time. 

Saturday Cora and I hung with Brittlyn and Niky - at Uncle Al's pool.  We had fun.  

Sunday we went to Clarion to see the Hardy's, hung out at the lake - again, was a good time.  The weather was beautiful, then a big rainstorm came in... but it was time to head home, so it was about perfect timing. 

Summer has been great so far for the kids.  I seriously love summer - we are just so much more relaxed, and the kids just seem happier. I can't believe we are already in the beginning of July, so we are trying to soak it all in, and slow down time!!