Monday, March 6, 2023

2023 Midwest Starz Dance competition (#2)

#2 competition in the books. 

The schedule for Cora and friends was a tough one this comp - Dancing late Saturday night (8:00 pm), then first thing Sunday morning (7 am).  Saturday we did well, got home at a decent time, as they were running ahead.  But Sunday - wow - I got Cora up at 4:50 am (I was up at 4:30 am).  It was tough, but Cora did well, I was super proud of her.  Everything went really well Sunday morning - She danced 4 dances, and they were amazing.  Probably the best they've done, so that was super fun.  Then we waited around for awards... and that was a long couple hours.  We were all feeling it by noon.  Like exhausted and delirious!!  

We got home around 2:00 in the afternoon... and I had the worst headache.  I rested a little, Cora was tired and crabby too.  So we just chilled.  

A successful competition... proud of those dancers.

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