Tuesday, March 28, 2023

2023 Talent On Parade dance competition (#3)

We had our third competition this past weekend... Cora and trio danced Friday night... and the remaining dances were Saturday afternoon into evening.  Always a long couple days, but we did pretty good... Saturday was back to back dances, so we are just busy.  I feel like we don't get much time to take a deep breath or eat too!  I worry about Cora, but she always fights through it. 

Results were great.  The team did awesome and placed in several dances. I loss track, but overall, did great.  Now we rest and prep for the next one!

Tooth stuff (crap!!!)

I unfortunately have had a hell of a time with a few teeth lately.  Like annoying, and a little worrisome too. 

Early February, I lost a HUGE filling in a big molar...  it was so weird, and gross too!  They got me in right away - and unfortunately, I had to get a crown on that tooth.  It was a super old filling - a large one, and it was just best to get the crown.  It went well - pretty uncomfortable for about a week. 

About mid March, I then lost a little chip out of a tooth - it was a chip that was connected to a filling, but they were able to just fix that quickly and 'fill' it.  Pretty smooth.  But honestly, was pretty worried...  I have some very old fillings, and I guess just as time goes, it's possible that these fillings will go bad.  Just sucked. 

Then about 2 weeks later - I started to have some severe pain in another molar.  Hurt to touch, and I just knew something was wrong.  Back I went... and it was confirmed I needed a root canal!  

This morning I had that procedure done...  I was so nervous and just so worried.  The procedure went really well actually - smooth, and not nearly has daunting as the crown.  I was numbed good (my left eye was even numb!!!)... so that was good, but now the numbness is going away, and I'm a little sore.  I hope by tomorrow things calm down, and I'm good. 

It's been a frustrating couple of months and I do worry.  I hope we are all done with teeth stuff!!

Friday, March 24, 2023

Random catch up

First baseball practice outside

Just a cute pic of my girl

Miss Aylah!!!

Cora's pottery from Glazed Expressions!  So cute.

Kayson's track shoes have pink on them. 

"Let's go Crazy" danced at the Waukee Dance Team Spring Show!

Monday, March 20, 2023

Kayson - PERMIT!!!

Kayson took the online version of the instructional permit about 2 weeks ago... you can do that now, just online, taking your time.  So interesting!!  But we opted for that option, and he passed.  So then we had to set up an appointment to actually get the permit (paper copy). 

What a big milestone for him, and us.  I can't believe it!!  

Since getting the permit, we have driven a couple times - mostly in the school parking lot, just driving around there to get the feel of the brakes and accelerator.  He's done fairly well.  He did drive TO and FROM the school Sunday - and did ok.  He definitely has some things to learn and pay attention to, but he did ok!  

Drivers Ed will happen this fall!

Spring Break - Part 3 = Wrapping it up

We wrapped up our Spring Break with some more snow... and cold weather!!  

Ryan and I got out for supper with Jess and Lex Saturday night, which was much needed.  I think I needed a break from my kids!

Cora pulled out all the 'art'  - coloring, LEGOS, LiteBright and Diamond Art.  She was definitely feeling the boredom!!  In addition, she helped me clean a lot - we organized so much!!!  The pantry, bathroom cupboards and linen closet.  She's such a good little helper. 

It was a nice break, I know we get bored, but it was good.  Now back to reality!!

Spring Break - Part 2 = Friends

For a couple days, the kids kept fairly busy with friends. 

Kayson was with Ben for about 48 hours - here at our house, and at his.  It was nice for them to spend time together...  with them being at different schools now, I know it's harder to get together.  So that was fun. 

I took them indoor golfing - unfortunately that was not as fun as we had hoped.  Kayson unfortunately broke his driver - like literally broke off.  So disappointing, but nothing we can do.  It was an accident.  

Cora spent some time with Quinn, which was fun for her.  Shannon took them to lunch, then went to Glazed Expressions.  They had such a good time - Cora came home beaming with happiness,  that made me so happy.

Cora also did Board & Brush for Nora's birthday, so fun!!

Monday, March 13, 2023

Spring Break 2023 - Part 1 = SNOW! & Aylah turns 1!

We got hit with a ton of heavy snow Saturday (technically the first day of Spring Break!)  It was crazy...  ended up cancelling our plans, and several others, which sucked!!!

First part of the day, we were able to celebrate Miss Aylah Ann's 1st birthday!  Oh my goodness, that little girl is sweet, shy and sassy - all in one!  It was a very fun couple hours with her and her family!

Then the snow hit...  lots of it!  We got outside Saturday night and kids played, and built a very abnormal snowman!!

Monday, March 6, 2023

2023 Midwest Starz Dance competition (#2)

#2 competition in the books. 

The schedule for Cora and friends was a tough one this comp - Dancing late Saturday night (8:00 pm), then first thing Sunday morning (7 am).  Saturday we did well, got home at a decent time, as they were running ahead.  But Sunday - wow - I got Cora up at 4:50 am (I was up at 4:30 am).  It was tough, but Cora did well, I was super proud of her.  Everything went really well Sunday morning - She danced 4 dances, and they were amazing.  Probably the best they've done, so that was super fun.  Then we waited around for awards... and that was a long couple hours.  We were all feeling it by noon.  Like exhausted and delirious!!  

We got home around 2:00 in the afternoon... and I had the worst headache.  I rested a little, Cora was tired and crabby too.  So we just chilled.  

A successful competition... proud of those dancers.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Cora - 4th Grade Winter Conference

Cora's last 4th grade conference -- was great.  Cora is doing well, Ms. DeMarco had nothing but great things to say.  Cora is helpful, kind and does amazing at reading and math (see scores!)  With that being said, Cora seems to think that she doesn't do well at math!  Ms. DeMarco thinks there is some confidence to be built for Cora!!  But overall, it was a good little meeting.  

Cora's FAST scores for Winter are great!! So proud of her. 

Literacy composite score - 520 (benchmark is 509)

Math composite score - 218 (benchmark is 211)

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Music Concerts - for both!

It's rare that we need to conquer and divide for music concerts, but last night we needed to.

Ryan went with Cora to her 4th grade music concert, and I went to Perry to be with Kayson for Honor Choir.  What a night, and it was fun.  Both kiddos looked soooo good, I love when they dress up!!!