Thursday, September 15, 2022

Cora - Broken arm!

Wednesday evening at tumbling... Cora had a freak accident and broke her left arm.  When I even think back the 18 hours, I get so overwhelmed.  She was so brave and so strong... 

I was called by Charlee - got Cora picked up and rushed her to Mercy West ER.  Unfortunately, the ER is not fast (now I know that we weren't really an 'emergency', and they are probably short staffed), but after 2 hours of not even been seen, I was losing my patience, and so was Cora.  Ryan told me to go home for a little bit to check on Kayson... so I did.  Once I did, things started moving along.  Figures!

While I was home with Kayson - the doctor and nurses finally came in... 
  • Cora was given some medication to calm her and help with pain
  • X Rays were taken
  • Cora was unfortunately sedated in order to 'set' her wrist back in place (Ryan could not be in the room during that time)
  • She was given a splint type cast for now
  • The medication was lowered and fluids and oxygen were given and she recovered from the sedation
    • I arrived back at the ER just in time for her to come out of the sedation.
    • and with this --- wow, Cora is normally funny...  and coming out of that, she was hilarious.  It definitely lightened the 'load' a little.  She was seeing double, and talking about it - "Mom why do you have two heads?"  "Dad - you have 4 eyes!!"  She talked and talked to the doctor and nurses...  they were amazing with her.  Very pleased... once they were there!  ha. 

We were at the ER for nearly 5 hours... not ideal, but it was the best place for her. 
We got home and settled about 10:45.  She did sleep pretty well until about 3:00 am - then she was pretty restless...  just couldn't get comfortable.  No pain, just not feeling it!  She then rested fairly well for til about 7ish.  Still not long enough, but it was something. 

We were able to see the Orthopedic Surgeon this morning, which was a god send.  Unfortunately, nothing was done, but we talked with him (he seems amazing too), and we have a plan.  She will get a full arm cast next Friday, the 23rd. Cora was super disappointed to hear that she wouldn't have a cast 'now', but she also doesn't really understand the swelling process and just waiting...  So... we wait, and we will get through this. 

Cora is pretty emotional about all of this...  scared, sad, mad... and keeps saying - "I didn't want this to happen!"  Poor thing.  Just breaks my heart.   I think if we can get through the weekend just resting and getting use to the splint, then we will be in good shape.  

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