Monday, May 17, 2021

CESOD Try Outs & Team Building

Can't believe this is happening already --- but Saturday morning, Cora had 'try outs' for competition team for next year, already.  I know it goes fast and they have to start prepping already... but wow, where has this year went?

Cora's group, plus some others that were trying out started their day at 9 til 10:30.  One fun thing was Brittlyn was one of the judges, which was fun.  Cora said - "I couldn't hug her!"  I giggled and said - "So formal!"  But Cora said try outs went well... and hopefully we will hear soon.  My guess is she's in, but you never know!  

Skipping ahead a little - Sunday afternoon was our normal dance hour, then the Petites and Teens got together for a little team bonding, plus Moms.  It was a very fun 3 hours... I was happy to be there and meet some of the other moms and just see the girls all mingle together.  The Teens are such nice girls, and do really well with those 'littles'.  It was fun.  I know Cora had a blast, and she was absolutely wiped out when we got home! 

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