Thursday, May 28, 2020

Work from Home/No School/COVID-19 - Week 8 & 9

I've lost count, but I think this was week 9 of being home...  so I combined 8 and 9, as they are all the same.  Same bad days, same good moments, same bored kids that don't want to do any school work.

We are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel tho…  school is done June 2 (or at least that's when I'm done teaching!)  So we are getting closer.  But again, I worry about what the heck the kids are going to do all day. 
Anyway, I do have to say, last week - some of the 'things to do' from school work have been a little more fun.  Kayson had a fun activity of PE type items, so we did that...  I think they both enjoyed doing that. 

We also did some "art" - we bleached shirts.  Olivia joined us, and it was super fun... here are our masterpieces!  Next up, tie dye!

One of the sunny, warm days, the kids got to enjoy Olivia's pool!  They loved it, and I foresee several more days like this and at their pool.

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