Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas 2018 #2 & #3

This year we did the Taylor Christmas' a little different.  Last year we did the hotel (like we have for the past 9 years - I think), then we hosted in DSM.  (and Cora had the stomach flu). YUK.  But this year, Grandma Janis expressed wanting to host at the farm, and have Grandma Ann join us.  That worked out great!  

We headed down to Creston Saturday morning...  and celebrated with the immediate Taylor's - Mike, JeanAnn, Blair's and us.  We pretty much just hung out... kids played, the girls went shopping a little (cuz why not, right?!)  Creston has a few little boutiques that are great.  Then FINALLY (according to the kids), we opened gifts!  The kids were spoiled like crazy...  but honestly feel like our kids were thankful for once!  ha.  It was a pretty good day...  

Kids slept well...  I slept on the floor in their room cuz Ryan snored and coughed a ton.  My sleep was limited, but oh well.  We were up and hung out and got ready for the day.  We headed down to Grandma Janis' around 10:30...  but first we went to the cemetery to visit Papa Dick.  We haven't visited in a long time it seems.  
Then we went to the farm... and soon enough everyone was there.  We had everyone there, including Great Grandma Ann.  It was great.  She just sat in her chair and soaked all our craziness in... I think she enjoyed herself, but she was tired soon!  

The kids did great most of the day...  the weather was amazing for December 23, so the boys played outside quite a bit.  So lucky!  We did gifts from Grandma, and a fun 'grab gift' time.  Then some of the families started heading out (the ones with long drives).  We stuck around til about 7:30... just visiting and Ryan helping Grandma with a new gift he got.  It was nice. 

Here are a bunch of pictures. 
The five kiddos.

K and Tate - twins fans for KU Jayhawks!

with Katie and Landry
Kyle, K, Tate and Matt
K's favorite (he says) - Duke
Love that we got to see Great Grandma Ann!
Cora and Brittlyn were buddies!

All of us!!!

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