Sunday, October 7, 2018

Cora's bedroom

Let's go way back... like back in early August, I reached out to an interior decorator to get some ideas for Cora's bedroom.  I was at my wits-end with how small it is (I know there's nothing we can do about the actual size of her room), but she needed more space if she's going to be in that room for several more years.
The interior decorator was great...  she gave us some great ideas, and put together an idea board for us.  I messed with it a little...  gave some of my feedback, and in the end, we pretty much landed on something that I was "a-ok" with!  So then... it was up to us to make the changes.  No real need for her to do the work (and pay her more!) 

She had a full size bed in there... and a long dresser.  This was part of her baby bed furniture - we did the convertible type bed (crib to toddler to full size)... cherry finish.  Don't ask me WHY I thought that color was good for a girl!!!  Anyway, it was a great set, pretty... but BULKY!  So, that was the first thing to be switched out.

She had brown curtains.  Again - what the heck!?!  ha.  But they were blackout and PERFECT! 

And a few 'baby' decorations.

After a hell of a ride with ordering furniture online, getting that furniture delivered, and into her room...  her room is 90% done.  I still don't have any updated items for her walls, and I would like to get a rug.  But, she has more room... and it's more girly and will grow with her for several years.

For what seemed like forever - about 6 weeks, she slept on an air mattress, and then her new mattress (but no bed). And then we lived out of Rubbermaid containers for her clothes!!  It was a hot mess!!!

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