Sunday, March 4, 2018


We were busy this weekend... not much down time!
We went over to Jess and Lex's for a little bit...  ate at home, and then just went there and let the kiddos play.  They did great again... and we were able to have a little adult conversation.  ha.  Home late, and bed later than we wanted. 

Up early - both kids were up at 7.  Ouch.  I was tired!  
We had Kayson's conference at 9, then we headed out to our church.  We were hosting another big craft sale that went super well again... and was fun to hang out there for a bit.  I bought too much!!  There was a cute boutique vendor there, so I had fun there... and then I tried out the LipSense thing.  I spent a ton of time with that lady trying to figure out what I liked, etc.  Kind of fun.  

We came home... had a fairly quiet afternoon.  I got groceries and did some laundry, Cora rested for a bit... then Olivia came over to play for awhile.  

Saturday night we went over to our friends Holly and Mike's - pizza and a board game, while the kiddos played.  They have two young ones... and Kayson did awesome with them... and just had a good night with them.  Good to get to know them a little more.  But another late night!  Yikes!

I took the afternoon away from my big kids and got to snuggle with a 3 week old!  My friend Katie is a new mommy and she's doing awesome.  Super fun (and so nice) to have a couple hours with her and baby Matthew.  What a little doll!  (I didn't take a picture... what was I thinking!?)
Meanwhile, the kids played with Olivia again!  Then K had baseball... and then our Sunday was pretty much over. 

Unfortunately, our Sunday night was a little on edge... or maybe I was.  I'm not exactly sure why - but the kids were testing every last button that Ryan and I had... especially Cora.  Man she was a little brat tonight - talking back more than normal, not eating supper and just being pretty naughty.  It wasn't very much fun...  but finally at bedtime, it was a little better.  

Ryan has to be gone this week (and next), so maybe that's why I'm on edge?!?!  Eh...  not looking forward to doing this parenting thing on my own!  ha.  

 I'm being terrible at picture taking lately.  BAD MOM!

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