Sunday, January 3, 2016

Kayson's 7th Birthday Party

It's January 3, and we finally had K's friends' birthday party.  Talk about a busy three weeks - I'm officially wiped out. 

We decided (as a family) to do bowling for his party...  then it was up to him to pick 9 friends.  Only 9.  That's hard for a 7 year old.  He has lots of friends, or at least we hear about a lot of different names... so when he named off about 6, then he stopped...  but then shortly after, he came up with 3 others and we were set.  

Today his friends met us at the bowling alley in Waukee...  we were all set - 3 girls and 6 boys (plus Cora).  I tell you what - 6 boys are loud.  Holy moly.  :)  The kids bowled for one hour...  then we moved into room birthday room (to herd them!)...  pizza, cupcakes and ice cream was had by all.  Then K opened a few gifts - all great, little gifts from friends.  I know I'm thankful no one went overboard - simple.  :)  

And the two hours was up!  Just like that.  We got home - put Cora down, K had some quiet time... and I was off to the grocery store.  Again - wiped out. 

Here are some pics of the couple hours.

With Friend, Austin

Tough girls - pushups!!!  Love it.

Happy Birthday K!
The group:
Carter, Harrison, Kayson, Jake, Austin, Riley, Ella, Haley & Evan
With Friend, Riley
Cora was in the mix!

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