Monday, February 16, 2015


I haven't been very good about getting on the computer lately!!!

It's Monday already.  I guess last night, the Bachelor was on, so I was all over that - while ironing at least 15 shirts of Ryan's... so that was my Sunday night!  No computer for me. 

Friday night - late, Nikki and I went to the movie - 50 Shades of Grey.  All the hipe, all the talk... and it was by far the corniest/cheesiest movie I've seen in a long time.  I was disappointed!!!  It was pretty comical that everyone in the theater giggled or plain laughed out loud at least 15 times... weird.  :)  I need to go back and read the first book, just because I don't remember it ending the way it did...  but overall, weird and just not very good.  :)

Saturday was a busy day...  Ryan got me a couple massages for my birthday, so I used one up Saturday morning.  Heavenly.  I can't wait to go back already.  Kayson had a birthday party to go to - bowling.  (He'll go back this coming weekend... and then again for Beyond the Bell in March!)  It's no wonder we don't do fun things with the kids - cuz they do all that fun stuff with school or daycare, or other friends!  Bad parents. 

Once he was home, we just hung out...  the kids got wild, but they were playing.  Saturday evening we went over to our neighbors, Jess and Lex's...  let the kids play and the adults attempt a conversation.  Again - (like with Heidi and Chris) - next time will be with no children.  :)

And Sunday we decided to do something...  shocking!  We went to the Home and Garden Show.  We were fully aware that this wouldn't be much fun for the kids, and there was a good chance for some meltdowns, but they amazingly did really well.  We were there just right at 2 hours, which was just enough time to see what we wanted to see...  we headed out for lunch, then home for C to nap.  I took Kayson to basketball...  and oh boy.  I'm not sure if I can go back!!  Talk about mass chaos.  :)  But I have to remind myself - they are only 6, they have NO idea how they need to stay away from the kid with the ball - and get open, they have not a clue how to dribble and go towards the basket.  OH BOY!  ha.  Kayson was pretty hyper too, so that was annoying.  Anyway... it was over, and we got home... 

I have no pictures...  I'll try to be better this week.  I'm looking forward to this coming weekend - Ryan and I are getting away!!!  So here's to a quick, smooth week!!

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