Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve 2014

Ryan and I both took today off from work.  Kayson didn't have childcare, so I had already planned on being home with him... then Ryan decided to take it off as well.  Cora was up early - earlier than a normal week day.  Man, that's frustrating!  K and Ryan slept in a little...  then we just hung out for awhile.  Ryan and Kayson did an errand or two...  Cora and I got groceries, then we met the boys for lunch.  

This afternoon Cora took a good rest... and I thought I would be 'Mom of the Year' and bake sugar cookies with Kayson.  Well... it's obvious that I'm not a great baker, I just don't have it in me.  But I tried.  Unfortunately, it was kind of a mess at first... some tears even.  (Yah, I know - pathetic, or maybe just emotional and really wanting something to be memorable for Kayson).  Well, it's definitely memorable - 'that Christmas that my Mom cried while baking cookies'.  Awesome.  :)

Anyway, Ryan stepped in - saved the day... and we got the cookies baked... then frosted.  I do feel that K enjoyed the frosting and decorating a little.  I at least saw some smiles.  Once Cora was up, she decorated a few as well.  

Tonight we decided to go to Christmas Eve service at our church.  Yep, the church we are members of, but haven't been for probably over a year!  Oops.  It was a very nice service...  and even better afterwards when we got to talk with a few people.  I would say one of our 'goals' for 2015 is to try to go to church more. 

We got home - got baths taken, then the kids just had some quiet time...  We've had "The Christmas Story" on, so Kayson got to see a little of that.  Ryan's favorite movie.  Now the kids are asleep, and we are prepping for Santa!!  Ryan's putting Kayson's remote control crane together...  yes, I'm on the blog, but I needed to get pictures on here!  Next, I'll get all the other stuff out, and K's birthday gifts too.  We have a big day tomorrow and I just pray there are no tears (besides happy ones!)

Merry Christmas kiddos!

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