Sunday, February 23, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up

After Cora's 18 month appointment, I dropped her off at school... and we had a really rough drop off.  I don't do drop offs regularly (especially when Ryan is IN town), so doing this on a totally random day is hard...  I really don't like leaving her, but typically she does well.  Friday was a different story.  She cried and cried...  under my feet as I'm trying to explain to a teacher she had a shot and just 'watch her'...  the teacher was NOT helpful what-so-ever (just seemed not interested), which really upset me.  The other 7 kiddos were under my feet while the two teachers watched - literally.  It was almost like it was a slow motion movie...  nothing was happening except my daughter bawling and it upseting me.  I eventually swooped her up and just took her out to the hallway to 'talk' with her... she saw another teacher whom we know fairly well... and I just had that look - 'is someone going to help me?'  Miss Courtney ended up taking her... all while screaming...  I left.  And I hated every second of it.  Instant tears for me too.  Maybe I over-reacted, maybe not - but either way, I didn't feel that the teachers were much help at all...  really all they needed to do is take her from me to distract her...  Blah.  I just was blah... and was that way all Friday.  :(  She, of course, had a great day - they say.  

Friday evening I fed Cora quickly (cuz she can barely make it to 5:45 some nights!!) and then the kids and I met Mike & JeanAnn (and Tate) at a hotel near by to play/eat/swim for something different.  Ryan joined us a little later.  And we played... ordered in... and swam.  The kids did well - besides being SUPER loud in a hotel room!  Oops!  We let them swim...  forcing Ryan and I to get in the COLD water.  YUK!  ha.  Tater wasn't really having it (he was SO cold), but Kayson and Cora did pretty well... actually Cora did great - she really liked it.  

We swam for awhile... then headed home.  Cora - asleep in the car on the way home (a short 10 minute drive!)  
Our Saturday morning was non-stop!  
First thing - Kayson's hair cut appointment... out of the way, and he's buzzed.  We scheduled these for every 6 weeks, and by the 5th week - we are saying 'BUZZ IT!!!'  Immediately following, we headed to swimming lessons.  He did good, I think.  He's definitely more comfortable, which is great...  just gotta keep going and he'll get it!

We got home from swimming and shortly after, Blair, Martina and Ryan and I headed out to the Blue Man Group show.  It was a gift from Mike & JeanAnn for Christmas...  great gift!  I had never seen the show, so I was anxious to see what it was 'all about'!  And it was GREAT!!  I was super impressed... and enjoyed myself.  

We had an appetizer and beer (water for Martina!) following... then headed back to the house.  From there, we finally just hung out!  Although, very busy still with the kiddos!  Mike & JeanAnn stuck around for supper in (pizza) and just played a little bit...  

It was a fun-filled Saturday!!!  I know I was pooped by 9pm!  :)

Cora slept til 7:20.  Mark that down!  ha.  We've just hung out all day...  a grocery run for me and Cora...  playing... a movie for Kayson...  more playing... and crabby cuz it's Sunday!  Oh that vicsious cycle.  :)

Here are a few phone pictures of our weekend.

and lastly, my sister, Jill has really thought that Cora resembles Ash... which I agree.  She has the Hardy features.  Ash went home to Clarion this weekend and sent me a couple pictures of her as a little girl.  This one is her at 18 months, just like Cora.  I can definitely see the resemblance (in her eyes - Hardy eyes), but some difference in her cheeks... Ashy's are really CHUBBY.  :)  I love it though...  even if they didn't look that much alike, Ashley LOVES the fact that Cora is named after her and that is so special to me. 

Ashley - 18 months

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