Cora is officially a year and a half (as of Thursday)! She's such a big girl... has such a big personality... and has such a temper too! :)
Here are her stats from this morning's appointment:
Weight: 27 lbs. 12 oz. (95%)
Height: 32" (55%)
Head: 19" (90%)
- Size 4 diapers
- I think - 12 teeth - she's got 2 of her molars - almost all the way through, the others are working through. (Not a big fan of me feeling in her mouth!)
- Clothes - mostly 2T, but to be honest, I haven't bought anything for her in over 2 months, so 2T is my guess!
- Shoes - probably size 5... again, haven't bought anything for her, so not 100% sure!
- Loves to read books - we'll still find her sitting quietly looking through her books. I love it. It melts me every time.
- She talks a lot - and still does a lot of babbling, but looks at you like we should know what she's saying! Says: Momma, Dada (actually just Dad), Brother, Papa, woof, more, please, ball, puppy, bath, up, shoes, hat, Love You (ok - so she repeats that and it doesn't sound like Love You, but I know it is!)
- Gives kisses when asked by Dad. :)
- She loves to color - whether she has a pen that doesn't work, or she has crayons, she loves paper and 'scribbling'!
- Eating is going ok... typical roller-coaster diet for her. She does really well, then not so well for a couple days. She LOVES yogurt and could have that at every meal and snack if we let her.
- Sleeping: Naps for about 1.5 to 2 hours in the afternoon only. I still don't think that's long enough, but that's what she does! Bedtime is 7:15 pm (typically asleep within minutes) and wakes by 6:30 am every morning. We can't get this girl to sleep past 6:45.
- Loves music... and dancing.
still hates to be changed and dressed - she just doesn't want to sit
still (for that!). We've tried moving her to floor or even out to the living room to maybe sit still a little longer, but she still hates it... so it's a consensus, if you don't have to change her diaper or dress her, she's fine. ha.
We are trying to put bows in her hair... she won't wear them at school, but if we are home (or out), I'd prefer to have something in her hair. Her hair is getting REALLY long and she really could look like a little boy if she was wearing blue. :)
Everything she's doing seems to be right on track. I looked back at Kayson's 18 month notes, and I had written that he was saying a TON more stuff... he still does talk a lot, so I'm chalking that up to her being the second child.
I love picking her up from school... she gets so excited - she runs and almost cries because she is thrilled to see Kayson and me. I love it.