I'm not sure if it really changes my views (for today!), but it definitely made me think! I think in the future, I will make a little bit bigger deal about it (including Ryan's, and of course, the kids). If you really do think about it - it's is a big deal. If my parents wouldn't have had that 'oops', I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have lived a great childhood, had awesome experiences with sports, went through a crappy marriage, and found Ryan and became a mom. So my friend is right! ha.
It has been a good day... the kids and Ryan sent me flowers, which are always so nice (a great way to pep up a day!) Another good friend sent me flowers as well, which was a great surprise! I got some awesome notes on Facebook and through email and some nice phone calls as well.
We've stayed in tonight. Ryan mentioned doing dinner out - but the kids (mostly Cora) make dinner out usually not very fun! (We are at that stage with her!) I think it's been about 4 weeks since we've went out! ha. So we stayed in - ordered Chinese, and have been playing. Cora was tired, so she's down now... and now we'll just have some quality time with Kayson.
Happy Birthday! :)