Friday, January 24, 2014

Just another day? Or is it?

Today I turned 36.  I'm over the hump... closer to 40.  It seems ridiculous!  ha.  I've been saying (for weeks now) and even to my Mother in Law just this morning --- "It's just another day."  I got to work and got some very nice 'stop bys' and emails from friends... and one of the emails stuck with me.  A dear friend said to me (after I said that it "was just another day") - "It's not just another day Janelle - birthdays are a celebration of your life.  It's important to celebrate that you and have the people who love you dote on you!!!"  True.  Very true. 

I'm not sure if it really changes my views (for today!), but it definitely made me think!   I think in the future, I will make a little bit bigger deal about it (including Ryan's, and of course, the kids).  If you really do think about it - it's is a big deal.  If my parents wouldn't have had that 'oops', I wouldn't be here.  I wouldn't have lived a great childhood, had awesome experiences with sports, went through a crappy marriage, and found Ryan and became a mom.  So my friend is right!  ha.

It has been a good day...  the kids and Ryan sent me flowers, which are always so nice (a great way to pep up a day!)  Another good friend sent me flowers as well, which was a great surprise!  I got some awesome notes on Facebook and through email and some nice phone calls as well. 

We've stayed in tonight.  Ryan mentioned doing dinner out - but the kids (mostly Cora) make dinner out usually not very fun!  (We are at that stage with her!)  I think it's been about 4 weeks since we've went out!  ha.  So we stayed in - ordered Chinese, and have been playing.  Cora was tired, so she's down now... and now we'll just have some quality time with Kayson.


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