Saturday, August 10, 2013

Oh What a Day!

We headed out to the State Fair this morning...  we got there around 8:40 having every intention to stay til early afternoon (at least through lunch time so we could eat the 'good stuff' - corn dog for Ryan!)  We walked through the "Little Hands on the Farm" exhibit for Kayson.  It was really neat... I think he enjoyed it... Then we just walked some more... having a snack and looking at the cows, pigs and some horses.  Kayson also got to enjoy the potato sack slide... both Ryan and I went down with him...  crap, it's fast.  ha.  We then found a spot to just sit for a bit.  Soon enough, I looked over at Kayson and his lips were white and he just wasn't looking good at all.  He said his tummy hurt and needed to potty.  Him and I found a bathroom as fast as we could...  stopping mid way for him to throw up.  UGH.  It wasn't a lot of stuff... just a little, and he instantly looked better, but still said his tummy hurt.  We found the bathroom and afterwards, he said he was better.  He didn't look 'perky', but he was at least chatting a little.  We tried to walk around a little more... but again, soon enough, he just wasn't feeling well.  He asked to go home.  

Once we were home, he rested for over 4 hours (from 11:30 til after 4:00)...  he seemed much better after that rest.  He was thirsty and was hungry.  We started with crackers and a piece of cheese and water...  ate it and he perked up.  He had some much needed quiet time... and then played outside for a short time.  He didn't want anything for supper...  but then had some toast before bath.  By bath time and bed, he was talking a lot (like his normal self) and goofing around a little...  I sure hope this was a small bug and it's over.  I cleaned some, did laundry and am hoping for this to stop with him!!!  I'm hearing that this stuff is going around... unfortunately.  I hate 'bugs'!!!!

Meanwhile, we are trying the sippy cups with Cora.  And today went well!!  This morning she took the sippy cup for about half of the milk...  I gave her the remaining in a bottle.  Then tonight we tried the same concept - she drank about half from the sippy, the rest from the bottle.  I'm THRILLED!!  Kayson's transition!  I remember him crying anytime we tried the sippy.  So I'm excited to say this is going much better with Cora.  

It's been one of those days, that's for sure.  You would think I'd be exhausted, but I'm not...  thankfully.  I'm hoping for a good day tomorrow...  Ryan has to travel to South Dakota tomorrow afternoon through the week, so we'll have our morning together and maybe a lunch out!  Here's to a new day tomorrow!

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