Saturday, July 27, 2013

A little catchup!

We've had a great weekend thus far!
Last night we went out with some neighbors... just to El Rodeo...  food, drinks and great laughs.  I mean, we seriously had such a great time!  The original plan was to be home at the kids' bedtime...  but somehow 3 hours later...  we were having so much fun.  It was exactly what we all needed after the random/up & down week some of us had.  

Today Kayson and I went to visit one of his teachers from daycare.  She had a baby a couple weeks ago, so we made a quick visit to say hi and drop off a gift.  Lunch was then had, then the kids took great naps.  I did our grocery run... and we prepped for our evening.  My sister, Jill, and her family were in town doing some school shopping, so they came over and we grilled out and played and laughed so much.  Another great night!!

Here are a few pictures from the last couple days.
Ryan and Kayson putting together a LEGO figurine
Cora playing with Kayson's toys once again! 
Some fun with Lindsay (and all the rest of us tonight!)
Thursday Kayson was 'tested' at daycare.  This basically means the teachers want to see exactly where he is on certain items (in preparation for Kindergarten).  He told me - "They tested me to see how smart I am Mommy!"  I really like this idea... it helps Ryan and I see what he can do, and what he needs to improve on.  One thing specifically was - "Kayson talks with his friends at group time."  ha.  This is not a surprise.  He's definitely a talker.  :)  Either way, we and the teachers were very pleased.  It makes us proud.

Also, Kayson had his third dentist appointment Thursday.  The first two visits were pretty 'worthless' in our eyes... but this one went super well and Kayson actually let them polish his teeth AND put a quick treatment of flouride on them!  I was thrilled!!   He has 20 teeth (the 'right' amount).  He did great!

And one more thing - Kayson likes to help me with the grocery list from time to time...  this time, he did quite a bit of the writing.  He's doing really well!


  1. Glad to see he did go great at the dentist! J's 12 month 'check-up' wasn't great! :/

    1. We didn't start going til Kayson was 3 1/2 (our dentist suggested that was the best age to 'start')... it wasn't great the first time, but each time has gotten better! Good luck!
