Saturday, March 23, 2013


Today was a great day...  it was one of those days that lasted a long time (and not in a bad way), we had fun, we were somewhat productive and it was just a good day.

To start off, Cora's been having some rough nights again...  last night was pretty bad (up a lot, crying a lot and not eating very well yesterday).  She's happy...  which sometimes then throws me for a loop, but after her late morning nap, she was awake and pissed...  I finally just took her to the walk in clinic.   Results - ear infection in right ear.  UGH.  DOUBLE UGH.  Apparently Ryan and I just create children with terrible ears.  BOO.  What's crazy is on Monday, she had her 6 months shots (finally) and her ears looked good...  we were even still on her antibiotic!!  We finished the antibiotic on Wednesday morning... and by Friday morning, she was fussy and tugging at her left ear (which is weird, but whatever)!  I'm glad I took her.  I'm hoping for a good nights sleep tonight.  

Anyway, backing up to our morning...  Kayson had a big morning - we invited his little girlfriend from daycare over for a play date.  OOOoo... he was excited!  Riley arrived around 9:30... and they instantly were off to his room to play Play Doh.  I checked on them a couple times, and Riley said "you don't need to be in here Kayson's Mom".  aaaa... OK!  :)  They did great.  They then moved downstairs, Cora and I went with them...  a snack was had, then more playing!  They played basketball, tools, LEGOS, garbage trucks... a lot of fun stuff.  Riley's Mom picked her up a little before noon.  They gave 'huggies' and she was out the door.  It was by far the sweetest thing I've seen in a long time.  :)

Lunch was had... then K took a nap, while I took Cora to the doctor.  Ryan's parents and Grandma stopped by for a bit, as they were in town seeing a Civic Center show.  Then the four of us hit up Jethro's (K's choice).  Sometimes I worry about going there...  figuring we will have to wait forever, but we only waited for about 5 minutes, and the food came super fast.  I was pleased.  Cora is still figuring out the 'out to eat' thing.  We've been putting her in a high-chair, and sometimes that's a 'ok' thing, sometimes she just doesn't have it.  Tonight was ok.  I'm glad the whole process went fast... in and out, and both kids were good.  

We are now flipping between basketball and wrestling...  and I can barely keep my eyes open.  I'm practically typing with them closed.  I wish I wouldn't be so tired... blah.

Friends - Kayson & Riley
Our Adidas girl!

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