Saturday, October 13, 2012

Great Two Days!

Friday evening we had some old friends over...  Ryan grew up with Lindsay and always had such wonderful things to say about her.  I've met her before - maybe a handful of times... but never did we really spend time with her and her family.  For 7 years, I've been saying - "Let's get together with Lindsay and her family."  And we finally did.  We had a blast!  Her, her husband, Mike (Taylor) and their two fun children AND her parents joined us Friday evening for some pizza and catching up.  We had such a great time.  I hope we can do this more often - no real reason not to - they just live in Adel!

Today has been a great day.  Ryan did some working this morning... meanwhile, Kayson and I played this morning and just hung out.  Cora took her normal 2 hour nap, so she was kind of out of the picture this morning.  :)  My parents came down for a visit.  We originally were going to go to a pumpkin patch today, but the weather left us staying home, which was fine.  We got a ton done!  We've decided that whenever my parents visit, we put my Dad to work!  After a nice lunch, me, Dad and Ryan bought a new mattress for Kayson's bed - turning his toddler bed into a full size bed!  After K's nap, we got to work...  cleaning his room, taking the toddler bed apart and creating a HUGE new bed for Kayson.  It's crazy big!  ha.  He looks so small in it!  We ended up not even using the box-spring part due to it sitting SO tall that he wouldn't be really very 'safe' in it (if he fell out!)  ha.  So he's just on the mattress for now...  we'll see how everything goes and eventually will use the box-spring.  He climbed right in and thought he was pretty cool.  :)  And he went to bed great for us too!

So back up a little bit... after my parents left and we ate a quick left-over supper, we had told K we would carve one of our pumpkins.  We should have known that he really wouldn't participate in it!  But that's ok... Ryan and I enjoyed it.  Trying to use a knife for it was interesting, so Ryan had an idea to borrow a Dremel from our neighbor... that worked PERFECTLY!  It looks great and now we know we'll be doing this every Halloween!  :)

Enjoy the pictures!
So awesome - growing up right before our eyes!
My babies!
The magic tool!
Our awesome front stoop!
Cora wasn't having it!   Sorry Sugar!

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