Thursday, September 1, 2011

Panic Mode

Ok...  all of the sudden I'm in panic mode.  You should see our calendar for September and October.  It's ridiculous!  OMG.  We have something every weekend... either gone, or plans with friends/photo shoots or gone AND plans, really!?!?  But then I sit back and remember - this is our busy time. Period.  Football season starts now (as of Saturday).  That takes up a lot of time...  even though I won't be attending every game, it still takes a lot out of me -- and Ryan, being gone so much.  Just non-stop around here!

Another thing that has me in an uproar --- do I dare say it out loud?  Christmas is around the corner!  If our September and October is as busy as we think, then it'll be November (squeezing in Thanksgiving, Christmas/Birthday shopping and maybe, just maybe some time for just the three of us) - Christmas will be here before we know it!  Another OMG!  ;) 

Some things that are jumping around in my mind right now:
  1. Will we host Kayson's birthday party at the house this year, or should we rent a room at a hotel and invite family PLUS friends to play/swim?  We don't want to spend a fortune, but maybe the later option would be the best thing??
  2. What do we get a 3 year old?  (I'm going to have a 3 YEAR OLD!!!!)
  3. I better start making a list for family members for things Kayson wants/needs... YUK! (this is one of my least favorite things to do)
  4. I'm shooting a small/intimate wedding this October -- nerves has set in!
  5. Winter = snow = nervous Janelle driving and would much rather be at home!  Lord!
  6. I want to get Kayson into some sort of activity this winter -- Water Babies or something like that. 
  7. Not only are weekends full, if you see my calendar for weekdays, they are full too - I've started VB again (on Wednesday nights), plus a couple girls dinners, chriopractor appointments, and trying really REALLY hard to get up to Clarion to watch my beautiful nieces play VB.
  8. I'd like to get a weekend to go somewhere with just the three of us...  but I'm just not sure if it's doable, which makes me sad.
So...  I guess I'm done babbling! 

We are off this weekend to the first football game, then down to Creston Sunday through Monday for a photo shoot, Taylor family time and Labor Day parade.  Pictures will be taken!

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