Tuesday, August 25
I can't believe we are actually here... finally the first day of school. We have been home for over 5 months because of COVID, and there has been SO many changes and adjustments for school and just life in general. But we are finally here - and I pray so hard every day that these kids and teachers stay safe and stay in school for more than 3 weeks!!!
Cora's 2nd grade teacher is Miss Butcher. She's a new teacher, and I pray she can handle Cora! hahah.
Cora was excited for her first day, and looked beautiful. As of now, she is being taken to school and picked up. I unfortunately dropped the ball with signing her up for BTB. We get SO many emails a week, that I accidentally missed the sign-up date and now we are on the "waiting list". Big bummer, but hopefully she can get in just so she has that atmosphere, as we think it's good for her.
She, too, had a good day... When I picked her up, she looked exhausted, and thrilled that I was there. I was worried, but thinking she was just overwhelmed and tired! She did great, and I hope the remainder of the days are great too!