Monday, June 19, 2017

Kayson - Baseball (The End)

The end of the season wrapped up tonight.  We had several make up games (3 to be exact), so we've got all those done now. 

Our Rockies team wasn't the best, but they have improved, which is key.  Kayson did well - he can throw well, he goes after the ball (to catch it), and actually catches it!  His hitting has been off and on.  Some games the kid just stands there, no swings... then the next game he swings... sometimes he makes contact, but most times not.  Definitely need to work on that, if we plan on continuing!  And then the pitching... he's done really well with this.  Sure, he's 8, but man, I really think he does consistently well with that.  

Regardless, it was an ok season.  Lots learned.  

I personally do not like baseball very well... so it made it super hard to watch and be excited (when the team struggled and the coaching was just fair)...  but knowing that K improved and was one of the better kids on the team, makes me happy. 

Pics from the last couple games:
1st Base was his place
and did well at pitching!
Rockies 8U
with friend Caleb
warming up
my babies

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